La mejor super Michoacana
La mejor super Michoacana

Our favorite

  • Ice cream flavor / Ice cream flavor
  • Guanavana / Guanavana
  • Guava / Guava
  • Manco con Chile / Manco with Chile
  • Mango con Chamoy / Mango with Chamoy
  • Mango de Agua / Mango with water
  • Tamarindo con Chile / Tamarindo with Chile
  • Tequila con Limon / Tequila with Lemon
  • Limon / Lemon
  • Fresa de Agua / Strawberries in water
  • Mango de leche / Mango with milk
  • Uva / Grape
  • Tequila / Tequila
  • Gansito / Gansito (Mexican candy)
  • Choco vainilla / Choco vanilla
  • Aguacate / Avocado
  • Frutas Secas / Dry fruits
  • Mazapán / Marzipan
  • 3 leches / Combination of 3 different types of sweet milk
  • Fresas con crema / Strawberries and cream
  • Pistache / Pistachio
  • Mamey / Mamey
  • Piñon / Pinion
  • Fresas con Yogur / Strawberries with Yogurt
  • Rompope / Rum with milk
  • Cajeta / Cajeta
  • Choco Menta / Choco Mint
  • Piña / Pineapple
  • Queso con Zarzamora / Cheese with Blackberry
  • Queso / Cheese
  • Banana / Banana
  • Cafe con Almendras / Coffee with Almonds
  • Coco / Coconut
  • Coco con Piña / Coconut with Pineapple
  • Oreo- cookies n cream / Oreo- cookies n cream
  • Nuez / Peanuts
  • Vainilla (blanca y amarilla) / Vanilla (white and yellow)
  • Fresa / Strawberry
  • Chocolate / Chocolate
  • Chocolate Carlos V / Chocolate Carlos V (Mexican dessert)
  • Paletas / Popsicles
  • Vainilla / Vanilla
  • Nuez / Nut
  • Fresa Con Crema / Strawberry with cream
  • Coco de Leche / Coconut Milk
  • Fresa de Leche / Strawberries with milk
  • Cafe con Almendras / Coffee with Almonds
  • Vainilla con pasas Cajeta / Vanilla with raisins jam
  • Nuez con Cajeta / Walnut with jam
  • Arroz con Leche / Rice pudding
  • Yogur con Fresa y Kiwi / Yogurt with Strawberry and Kiwi
  • Oreo / Oreo
  • Pistache / Pistachio
  • Ciruela Pasa / Prune
  • Yogur con mermelada / Yogurt with jam
  • Nance de leche / Nance with milk
  • Limon con chamoy / Lemon with chamoy
  • Vainilla con Chocolate / Vanilla with Chocolate
  • Yogur con fresa y Arandanos / Yogurt with strawberry and blueberries
  • Frutas Secas / Dry fruits
  • Mamey / Mamey
  • Nance de Agua / Nance with
  • Guayaba / Guava
  • Yogur con Frutas Secas / Yogurt with Dried Fruits
  • Rompope / Rum and milk
  • Kiwi / Kiwi
  • Piña con Chile / Pineapple with Chile
  • Coco de Agua / Coconut Water
  • Fresa de Agua / Strawberries in water
  • Limón / Lemon
  • Fresa con Kiwi / Strawberry with Kiwi
  • Kiwi con Fresa / Kiwi with Strawberry
  • Guanavana con Chamoy / Guanavana with Chamoy
  • Piña / Pineapple
  • Mango con Chile / Mango with Chile
  • Chocolate / Chocolate
  • Tamarindo / Tamarind
  • Tamarindo con Chile / Tamarindo with Chile
  • Zarzamora / Blackberry
  • Piñón / Pinion
  • Guanavana / Guanavana
La mejor super Michoacana La mejor super Michoacana La mejor super Michoacana


We have over 25 years experience in the industry

There is no better excuse to visit the best ice cream shop than on a hot day! Don’t know what to pick? No problem, we share small samples of all our products to help you find the one you like

La mejor super Michoacana
La mejor super Michoacana
La mejor super Michoacana

We are Wholesale Distributors of all our products

La mejor super Michoacana

Before After

Authentic flavors

Produce desserts, popsicles, and ice creams with the most delicious ingredients in the market with the highest quality standards. Our mouth watering products invite families to come and taste our delicious popsicles.


We are characterized by our wide variety of exclusive and innovative flavors. We are committed to the quality of our products, as well as making a clean and environmentally friendly atmosphere.

Freshness for your life

As one of the best-known companies in the area, it has always been our mission to refresh the lives of our clients. That is why we are constantly using the best and freshest ingredients.


Our purpose is to improve what we do every day. That's why we want to hear from you, so we can provide you with the best products and the best possible experience.

We are currently the leaders in the national market

Our company started for one reason only: We love popsicles! The older generation will remember waiting for the sound of the icecream truck and running to buy. Now, you do not have to wait, you can come and buy your favorite flavors.

We are one of the most popular companies, not bragging by any means!

Thanks to our freshness, innovation, and exceptional customer service we have been serving the local community for over 25 years.

La delicia de vivir la vida 🌟 ✨

1, 2 , 3 me lo comí 🤤 * * * * #Icecream #UNCG #Greensboro #GTCC #GreensboroCollege #Happy #Desserts

Publicado por La mejor super Michoacana en Lunes, 29 de julio de 2019
Lo que más te gusta en el verano

* * * * #Icecream #UNCG #Greensboro #GTCC #GreensboroCollege #Happy #Desserts

Publicado por La mejor super Michoacana en Lunes, 29 de julio de 2019

Todo lo que hacemos, lo hacemos con amor para complacerlos a ustedes!

Publicado por La mejor super Michoacana en Lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

Empieza tu semana con una malteada por la mañana! 😋 * * * * * #SuperMichoacana #Treats #instagood #greensborolife #greensborofoodie # #FamilyNights # #nieve#tostitos #helados #instagood #Paletas #Mangonadas #Goals #Sweet #Chocobanana #love #instafood

Publicado por La mejor super Michoacana en Martes, 9 de abril de 2019
Lo que más te gusta en el verano

Comparte esta nieve en el muro de esa persona que te gusta tanto ✨ * * * * #Icecream #UNCG #Greensboro #GTCC #GreensboroCollege #Happy #Desserts

Publicado por La mejor super Michoacana en Lunes, 29 de julio de 2019